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Organic costs more. Does it Matter?

Organic does cost more - and if you wash your produce thoroughly, does it really make a difference? It does. Organic doesn't just mean that food was produced without synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers and without the use of antibiotics and hormones. It does mean all of that, but just as important is the fact that the nutritional content of organic foods is actually higher.
When plants and animals are raised organically, the organism has to be strong enough to fight disease, imperfect growing conditions and pests. It has be to be robust and healthy to make it to harvest without as much help, and the compounds that it develops to do so actually makes it more nutritious for us. So if you're eating something organic versus something that isn't, you are getting more nutrition from that food. And yes, you're also avoiding toxicants that can:

  • disrupt your hormones
  • adversely affect your neurological health
  • increase cancer risk
  • contribute to antibiotic resistance
  • affect reproductive health
  • harm the environment

Organic does cost more, and not everything is available in organic. What to do? Buy what you can afford and is available. Regardless of whether your produce is organic or not, wash it before you put it away rather than just before use, so that you don't contaminate fruit bowls, produce drawers and other foods. Another advantage of this approach is that your produce is always ready to eat - which is nice for the cook and makes grab and go possible.

You don't need to buy produce wash; just use cool water, your hands, and in the case of textured and tough skins, a gentle scrub brush.
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Kentucky, USA